Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time with Couch Part 1

We are so excited to be here! I can't believe all that we have seen already. We navigated the airports and made it to the hotel. Our room is great and the hotel has cookies every evening. Nate is in charge of getting cookies.

The Lincoln and Vietnam Memorials were not at all what I expected. The Lincoln Memorial is huge and so beautiful-we had a great breeze coming off the Potomac. The Vietnam Memorial took me by surprise;so many names of those who fought for our country. It was the annual day when soldiers who were MIA or POWs are remembered by their families. There is a cross by the name of all who who MIAs or POWs. A woman in her 80's was there with a special framed collage of her brother's life who was MIA. She comes every year to his name and leaves a different token of her love. By the way we got a snack before the Mall at a funny German restaurant called Mozart's and had fondue - which Aidan aptly named "fundue."

Today was the National Zoo and we took the Metro - wheelchair and all. We got to the zoo early and it puts the Houston Zoo to shame. The pandas were walking around and were just amazing. The habitat where they live is so large and plush. DC is in general even greener than Houston. We also saw the baby gorilla - a little girl just born a few months ago. The big silver back was bossing everyone around while at the same time the baby was practicing standing up. So human. The orangutans have large distances of metal cable attached to 40 foot towers all connected through the zoo. And throughout the day they swing across the cable overhead while you walk down the zoo paths.

They say the zoo is massive and how right they are...Aidan would not have been able to make it without his wheelchair. Needless to say we are all tired and "our dogs are barking." Walking into the zoo is over a mile downhill and back up feels like six miles uphill. The zoo was such a treat and the conservation work amazing. We loved it!!

More from the Couch in Hallie Couch.

1 comment:

  1. The monkey wier is veery cool, and I think
    that monkey was Braden!
