Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day One (Washington D.C.July 25)

We woke up early this morning. It was 5:00am and my alarm woke me up to the singer Jason Meralley who was on the radio. Dispite the time non of us were unusually tired becuase the intier Immroth family knew we were on our way to Washington D.C. the first stop in our eight day summer vacation.The idea of our trip begining was intemidating and overwelming. Probably only because our family has never been on a trip so great and long.

Our flight flew out of Houston at 7:20pm then landed in Midway, Chicago. We were half way to D.C. Once our flight left Midway (the name is just a coensidence) and we spent some time in the air we arrived in Washington D.C. at 1:55pm. turns out the airport where we landed was really in Virginia.
After we where unpacked we set out for the Mall. The Mall is the area where there is pattle boating, the Washigton monument, the Reflecting Pool, the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnom Memorial. I stepped out of the taxi and admeadeatly saw the Lincoln Memorial, it was huge, much bigger than it looks in pictures or as I said than it looks on the penny. When the Lincoln Memorial is shown in movies it appearse that there are five steps to the monument in acuality there are over fifty. I never expected that the statue of Lincoln would be set back and covered by a roof of hand painted frascos, I guess to prevent weathering, so that marvilous 19ft by 19ft white marble monument can last lifetimes.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! The last time I was in DC I was 7 years need to do the math, trust me it was a long time ago. I still remember looking up at President Lincoln and asking my dad, "Now, who is he again?" :)
    - Keri
