Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 6 (New York July 30)

This morning was our first morning in The Big Apple and for breakfast we grabbed beagles from H&H Beagles. From there we walked to Central Park and ate our beagles. No need to slam Einstein Bros. but the beagles I had today were a million times better.

After we sat in Central Park, we went to The Museum of National History. Once we got to the museum. I insisted we see a show at the planetarium. I had seen on T/V that Whoopi Gulberg was narrating a show called “Journey to The Stars”. In the show we learned how everything in our universe started with Dark Matter, including all the stars, our Sun and along with The Sun our planet. Then we journeyed further into The Sun, where we learned about sun spots and solar winds. Solar winds make Erora Borialis in the North and South Poles.

After the museum we finally found Angelo’s Pizza, the best pizza in the world but it’s not the cheapest no food on the West Coast is. I had wanted to eat at Angelo’s but no one in New York (including every cab driver) knew of Angelo’s. I began to think I was crazy. We found Angelo’s Pizza to blocks from the LOVE statue.

Then we rode the Staten Island Ferry. At the ferry we met Rose Daniel of Rose Daniels Design, AKA the designer of the website. She was very nice and she helped me get in a spot that was perfect for picture taking.

After the ferry later that night we went to the Lion King on Broadway. It was one of the most beautiful Broadway shows I had ever seen, everything from the costumes to the music. The Lion King was translated wonderfully from movie to musical. I would like to say thank you to Jeanks and Genny for getting us such great seats.

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