Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 5 (Washington D.C. to New York, then more New York July 29)

Today we rode the train Union Station in D.C. to Penn Station in New York. Union Station in Washington D.C. was much more impressive than Penn Station. Along the way from D.C. to New York we made a few stops.

The first stop was in Baltimore and it looked exactly like it does in the movie Hairspray. When we stop in Baltimore the first thing that came to mind was the song “Good Morning Baltimore”. After that the train stopped in Wilmington, where ever that is, then Philadelphia, more familiar. Then Trenton apparently part of New Jersey. Penultimately we stopped Newark then New York our destination.

After unpacking at our hotel the Warwick we met up for dinner with our cousins. We ate dinner at a restaurant near Washington Square Park called “Peanut Butter and Company”. At the restaurant everything is made with their homemade peanut butters. Peanut Butter and Company also serves shakes, hamburgers, grilled cheese sandwiches and thing like that more American food. At our small table of six my cousin Jeanks ate an Elvis with bacon which is a peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwich. Genny his wife ate a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich and my dad ate a P.B.B.L.T. A P.B.B. L.T. is a B.L. T. with peanut butter. My mom was not sure what to get so she decided to get the Peanut Butter Sampler, thinking it was a little bit of everything the restaurant served but instead the peanut butter sampler was a plate with crackers, carrots and celery and all the types of the restaurants homemade peanut butter ranging from smooth and crunchy to peanut butter with cyan pepper. Nate ate a burger claiming to hate peanut butter which if you barely even know Nate is not true. For my peanut butter dinner I had a Jerry Seinfeld Comedy Hour which is a toasted plain bagel with peanut butter honey and cinnamon.

After dinner it began to drizzle and we decided to go for a walk assuming it would not rain any harder but were we ever wrong. It started to pour so we ran across Washington Square Park where we stood under the arch disrupting a touche by laughing not stop. Once we got back to our hotel, the Warwick we were soaked it was awesome.

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